Checking in on Your Child’s Mental Health

There is a growing number of mental health cases among youth in recent years, with the toll of the pandemic adding an additional 25% in cases of anxiety and depression among children (according to reports by the World Health Organization). Children deal with an unreasonable amount of stress as they balance school with sports and extracurricular activities while navigating peer pressure and personal self-development. For children who struggle with learning disabilities, have poor home environments, or encounter bullying—the strain on their mental health becomes increasingly overwhelming.

In recognition of National Children’s Mental Health Day on May 9th, we’re highlighting the importance of checking in on your child’s mental health, what behaviors may indicate the need for intervention, and how to help when they are struggling.

Staying aware of your child’s mental health

Children are not small adults. For humans, brain maturity continues well past the teen years and into adulthood. Major life changes that may seem trivial to an adult are significant for a child. A decline in your child’s mental health can arise at any time, but there are certain situations that put a child more at risk of experiencing a decline in mental health. These situations usually involve major changes in routine or lifestyle, such as:

An often overlooked consequence of the pandemic is the negative impact it has taken on children of all ages. The pandemic severed social connections and disrupted routines for months—with many immunocompromised children still not yet returning to the normalcy they knew before. For some, the normalcy of pre-pandemic life will never return as they grieve the loss of a parent or loved one from the virus. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, mental health emergency room visits for children rose by 24% for children under 12, and a staggering 31% for children 12-17 years of age. Emergency rooms across the country also recorded a 50% increase in suicide attempts in children aged 12-17 (particularly female adolescents) in the early months of 2021, compared to the same time frame in 2019.

Here’s what you can do to create an environment that promotes positivity and a safe space for personal development, self-expression, and good mental health.

When to get help

If you think your child is experiencing a decline in mental health, but you’re not sure—there is a useful symptom checker through Child Mind Institute that can help you. If your child tells you they’re feeling depressed or anxious, or if they are experiencing any of the non-verbal cues listed above, it is time to seek professional help for them. If you or someone you know is in the Nevada or California areas and has a child who is struggling with their mental health, reach out to Medens Health via our contact page or call (833) 624-5400 to begin speaking with a licensed therapist who can help.


The information provided in this blog is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Reliance on any information provided in this blog is solely at your own risk. Always seek the advice of your physician or a qualified mental health provider with any questions you may have regarding your medical or mental health. If you don’t currently have a therapist, we can connect you with one who is qualified to give you safe, professional, and ethical advice regarding your mental health.

If you or someone you are responsible for is experiencing a medical emergency, is considering harming themselves or others, or is otherwise in imminent danger, you should call 9-1-1 and/or take them to the nearest emergency room.