The Healing Power of Earthing

It’s been widely accepted that spending time in nature has numerous mental health benefits. However, there may be more to it than a change of scenery and some Vitamin D. A growing interest in an ancient practice known as earthing has emerged, promising numerous health benefits through a simple act—reconnecting with the earth beneath our feet.

What Is Earthing?

Earthing, also referred to as grounding, is a therapeutic technique that involves activities connecting you electrically to the earth. This practice is based on earth science, suggesting that the earth's electrical charges can positively impact your body. While earthing shares its name with grounding techniques in mental health, its approach and benefits extend into the physical realm, offering a unique blend of emotional and physiological healing.

The Science Behind Earthing

Although Earthing is an under-researched topic, the studies available shed light on its potential. Research indicates that grounding can benefit various health aspects, including inflammation, cardiovascular disease, muscle damage, chronic pain, and mood. The underlying theory is that Earthing influences the living matrix within our bodies, enhancing our immune defenses in a way similar to antioxidants.

The Health Benefits of Earthing


Earthing has shown promise in addressing numerous physical ailments. Studies have observed decreased inflammation, improved cardiovascular health, reduced muscle damage post-exercise, faster wound healing, reduced cortisol levels, and decreased chronic pain among individuals practicing grounding. These findings, while preliminary, suggest a powerful connection between our bodies and the earth's natural energy.


Earthing is showing promise for mental health as well as physical health. Preliminary studies suggest that the practice can significantly improve mood, reduce stress, and combat symptoms of depression and fatigue. In one small study, participants reported feeling better, more positive, and less burdened by their daily stresses after engaging in earthing practices. In another study, massage therapists experienced significant increases in physical function and energy and significant decreases in fatigue, depressed mood, tiredness, and pain due to earthing. These results make sense; heightened inflammation has been proven to put people more at risk for depression and other mental health conditions. If earthing reduces inflammation, it is not surprising that mental health benefits would follow.

How to Practice Earthing

Earthing is refreshingly simple and can be done both outdoors and indoors. Opinions vary on how much earthing time is needed each day to see benefits. Some say that as little as 30 minutes a day can result in healing, while others claim that you must be grounded as much as possible.

Methods to Practice Earthing Outdoors

Walking barefoot on grass, sand, or soil, lying on the ground, gardening, or submersing yourself in natural bodies of water are direct methods to connect with the earth's surface. 

Methods to Practice Earthing Indoors

For those who prefer indoor options, grounding equipment like mats and bands have been designed to serve as effective alternatives, especially in urban settings or climates with extreme temperatures where it may be difficult to spend time outside. You can also obtain grounding sheets that simulate the effect of walking barefoot directly on the ground, so that you can sleep “grounded.”

Risks and Considerations

While Earthing is generally safe, it's crucial to approach it with common sense—especially when grounding outdoors. Don’t swim in unsafe water, lay down in unsafe areas, or ignore outdoor hazards. It's also important to remember that Earthing should complement traditional medical treatments, not replace them, particularly for serious conditions.

Give Earthing a Try

Earthing offers a grounding experience, quite literally, in our increasingly disconnected world. By fostering a direct connection with the earth, this practice invites us to tap into a source of natural healing, promoting mental clarity, physical vitality, and emotional balance. While more studies are needed, earthing holds promise as a method to support a more centered, healthier you.

Medens Health: Offering a Holistic Approach to Mental Health

At Medens Health, we embrace holistic approaches to well-being, recognizing the interconnectedness of mind, body, and environment. Alongside therapy, we support integrating practices like earthing, journaling, and meditation into your wellness routine, enhancing your journey toward health and harmony. If you are looking for a true partner to support your overall wellbeing, reach out to begin your journey today.

For a therapist that supports your health holistically, reach out to Medens Health. Call or text (833) 624-5400, fill out our contact form, or get started here.


The information provided in this blog is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Reliance on any information provided in this blog is solely at your own risk. Always seek the advice of your physician or a qualified mental health provider with any questions you may have regarding your medical or mental health. If you don’t currently have a therapist, we can connect you with one who is qualified to give you safe, professional, and ethical advice regarding your mental health.

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